What does it feel like to have MS?

What does it feel like to have MS?

Great post trying to explain how you feel with MS. Good read!


Because common words, like “tired,” “fatigued,” “achy,” and “confused” don’t really convey what it’s like to have MS, please humor me on this little journey. Try to picture everything you read happening to you.

Your boss calls you into her office and says you have to leave immediately to go to Russia for a conference. You feel panic rising, but you get home as fast as you can and pack a carry-on bag. You put too much in and it becomes bulky and heavy, but you don’t have time to care. You race to the airport, worrying that you’re going to miss your flight.

All the way through getting your ticket and going through security, you continue to check your watch, hoping you’ll make your flight. You finally get to the plane and you are the last person to board. You are seated in the middle seat in the very…

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Trying something different

Since diagnosis of secondary adrenal insufficiency in 2001, I have tried several dosing schedules and doses trying to find what will help me feel “normal”.   Five days ago I changed my dosing times, starting at 6am with 10 mg HC, then 10mg at 9am, 5mg at noon, and 2.5 at 3pm.  So far…. so good!  I am waking up earleir with less drowsiness during the day,and having an easier time with sleep at night.   There has been much discussion online about the generic HC manufactured by Lineage,which is what I have been taking for months now,  Some people are reporting that they feel much better with the brand name CORTEF, so I contacted my doctor, and she ordered me some.  I should get that within a week, and hoping that helps me also.  Of course, I know that you can try something different, change things up and it doesn’t always work, you don’t improve much or for long. But I am willing to try this, pay the extra money for the brand name medication and take a chance.  I have an exciting summer coming, my son is getting married in June, in Colorado, in the mountains! High altitude, happy stress, traveling, different climate……all of which are not the greatest scenarios for us sickies.  Keeping my fingers crossed that a change will be a good thing for me for now.  change-1