My Blood Pressure

My blood pressure has been high for several years now.  I have taken many different medications, but none has solved the problem long term.  I saw my doctor on October 19, and my blood pressure in his office was 153/100! Yikes.  He changed my medications around, added a new one, and yesterday when I took my blood pressure it was 107/75.  Much better.

Let’s hope this medication keeps this problem under control for now and keeps it controlled long term.

My older sister went to the eye doctor today and she has cataracts.  She will have surgery sometime in early 2016.  I fear this is something else I will develop because of my daily steroids I take for my adrenal insufficiency.

Thank you steroids.  You keep me alive, but you’re killing me!




3 thoughts on “My Blood Pressure

  1. My blood pressure has been high too!!! and I take meds to lower it. I also need to lose about 20 pounds which would help bring it down but I’ve not had much will power . . . in the last decade or two.
    I got mini cataracts which luckily haven’t changed much in the last 2 years. I just read research – which I now can’t find to send you – about a new solution they are working with that dissolves cataracts without surgery. Don’t remember if it is still in trial stages or available.

    • I never had blood pressure problems until I started taking the dreaded steroids. And if I have cataracts I can blame it on the steroids too. Oh well, it comes with the territory I guess. If you find that research……send it to me.
      love ya! mo

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